Welcome to E3 Analytics, a leading renewable energy consultancy based in Berlin.

E3 Analytics is a Berlin-based consulting company focusing on renewable energy policy, markets, and finance. Through detailed analysis and cutting edge market research, E3 Analytics provides advisory services and support to governments, international institutions, NGOs, as well as private sector clients in both developed and developing countries.

Since its founding in 2009, E3 Analytics has worked with senior government officials in over fifty countries around the world to help accelerate the global energy transition, including in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific Islands region, as well as in the Americas.

The Global Solar PV Brain Trust

The Global Solar PV Brain Trust is a loose association of experts committed to the future of solar power worldwide. It is a non-profit group supported by the Reiner Lemoine Foundation in Berlin, Germany.

Recent Publications



Pound-Wise or Penny-Foolish: The Case of Electricity Policy

In his conclusion to a recent speech at the London School of Economics, Lord Turner, Chair of the Financial Services Authority in the UK, introduced an important distinction in reference to the financial crisis: he explained that “Stability matters a lot; minor gains in allocative efficiency matter little.” The reference is specifically to the unprecedented…

Feed-in Tariffs: Arguments and Counter-arguments

Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) have come under fire of late, being criticized variously as “subsidies,” and “unfunded liabilities.” This Analytical Brief dispels a few common misconceptions of what is now widely recognized as the most successful renewable energy (RE) policy, and suggests that analysts and economists take a closer look. The majority of shots fired thus…

Booms, Busts, and Retroactive Cuts: Spain’s RE Odyssey

Much ink has been spilled over Spain’s recent solar energy boom-and-bust. In response to generous tariffs and loose oversight, developers in Spain installed over 2600MW of solar PV capacity in 2008, or roughly 50% of global installations that year. This rapid market growth overwhelmed policymakers and prompted a drastic policy change, including a 500MW annual…

Expert Training Course on Storage Technologies

The expert training course is being offered by the Renewables Academy (RENAC), an award-winning provider of trainings and capacity building based in Berlin. RENAC has provided expert trainings on renewable energy and energy efficicy to over 25,000 participants in over 160 countries worldwide.

This course on storage technologies is one module within RENAC’s certified ower-to-X training course. The training provides a comprehensive overview of storage technologies, applications, and economics.


E3 Analytics provides dozens of trainings for energy experts and industry professionals every year, including via webinars and online training platforms. These trainings cover a wide range of topics including renewable energy policy, project finance, energy efficiency, ESCOs, off-grid electrification, as well as mega trends like the global energy transition, and the pathway to a zero carbon future.